Thursday, December 8, 2016

Why Homeschool?

I have asked this question often and contemplated many similar ones like:  What are the benefits of homeschooling?  What are the drawbacks?  What if I am not able to teach my children everything they are supposed to learn?  What if I don't have the time or the patience?  What about socialization? What if my kids turn out weird?  What if my family and friends think we are weird?

Before I begin to answer these questions, I just want to say that the purpose of this post is to share my personal experience as a homeschooling parent for others who are curious, considering homeschooling, or are in need of some encouragement in their homeschooling journey. Homeschooling is not for everyone and all parents have the freedom to decide how to educate their children.

So, why did we decide to homeschool our children?

Well, first, I must confess that we had some "trial runs" before I fully committed to and embraced our decision to homeschool our children.  I lacked faith in myself to accomplish the task at hand.  My heart longed to be with my children and be their primary educator, but I did not have the confidence, support, or patience I needed to stick with it.  After the first year of homeschooling my oldest daughter through Kindergarten, I gave up.  I also had a one year old and a newborn baby that year so needless to say, I was a bit overwhelmed and something had to give.  It did not take long, however, to return to homeschooling.  My oldest was home for the second grade and we had a much better experience the second time around, but I applied to this great charter school in our town just in case I felt like I couldn't hack it at home again and then my daughter actually got into the very hard to get into great charter school and since she got in, her siblings would automatically get in...and guess what happened?  I gave up on homeschooling...again.  

Now, I have to press the pause button for a moment on this homeschooling history lesson to share that I am a believer in God and a follower of Christ.  I believe that God is in control of everything and although I went back and forth on our decision to homeschool and I gave up a couple of times, God did not give up on me.  He gently led me and called me back to what was the right decision for our family.  

In 2015, I finally accepted the calling to homeschool.  My oldest daughter was entering middle school, my middle daughter was entering second grade, and my youngest daughter was entering Kindergarten.  I realized that my previous mistake was that I was relying on myself for confidence, patience, and perseverance instead of God. I had forgotten that I could do all things through Christ who gives me strength and that he would equip me with all of the things I needed to teach and train up my children; to raise my arrows for Christ!

So, why did we decide to homeschool our children?

1.  We prayed (a lot) and learned from God's Word that as followers of Christ, we are to keep God's commandments and impress them upon our children (Deuteronomy 6:6-7), train our children up and start them off in the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6), go and make disciples teaching them to obey everything the Lord has commanded (Matthew 28:19-20), and recognize that our children are a heritage from the Lord and a gift from him; like arrows in the hand of a warrior (Psalm 127:3-5).

Children are a blessing and they grow up so fast!  As parents, we want to spend as much time with our girls as possible to teach, train, and disciple them to know God's Word and his character.  

2.  We want our children to have a Christian education so they will have the opportunity to observe and interpret all things through a biblical lens.  The Bible is our main "textbook" for learning in our homeschool since it contains all of our instructions for life.

3.  We want to be the primary influence in our children's lives.  Children will develop attitudes and a belief system based on their primary influences which may be peers, social media, television, environment, teachers, and the list goes on.  As parents, we desire to be the primary influence for our kids so we can point them toward Christ-likeness and encourage them toward a Christian worldview. 

4.  Finally, we wanted to simplify our schedule.  We were plagued with busyness and it pulled our family in too many different directions.  Homeschooling brings our family together.

But, what about socialization?

This seems to be the number one concern and question that comes up regarding homeschooling, but it is the easiest one for me to answer.  We engage in real life socialization every day.  My children interact with each other and learn how to navigate family relationships.  We go to the grocery store, the gas station, the post office, the library, restaurants, parks, etc., and the girls learn how to speak to adults and have appropriate conversations and behavior in a variety of different places.  We also meet up with other homeschooling families, attend church, and have neighborhood friends. Homeschooling does not eliminate socialization, but provides different avenues for exploring these skills.   

And, what if my family and friends think that we are weird?

Well, this one used to be really tough for me because I am a people pleaser, but I have learned that it is more important to follow the Lord, rather than the crowd.  Not everyone will agree with our decisions and that is okay!  I have found that it helps me to have support and encouragement from other homeschooling parents.  Besides, if we are considered weird for homeschooling, then maybe we are and maybe that is not such a bad thing!  

If any of this strikes a chord with you, I welcome any comments or questions and it may be that homeschooling is the right choice for your family too!      


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